Watch the trailer!
Abandoned: Greed, Neglect, and Environmental Injustice in Adel
This is the trailer for a short documentary about the community of Adel, Georgia and the environmental injustices the residents are facing in their daily lives. The project was produced with the help of individuals and organizations like the Concerned Citizens of Cook County who continue to fight for clean air, land, and water for their community.

Our Latest Challenge
The Wood Pellet Industry
The biomass pellet industry is laying waste to Southern forests, hurting the climate, and polluting our air and water. These pellet plants burden the health and prosperity of the communities where they are sited, usually in under-resourced communities of color. Learn more and sign the petition to stop the pellet plant.

Ethyl Mercaptan
Residents in Adel are upset about a terrible, egg-like odor lingering in their neighborhood.
Residents have said that they’ve experienced illness with symptoms such as headache, nausea, and vomiting. Because of those potential health concerns, some community members are calling on the city to hold the business accountable.

Community Action Day
We uplifted our community by beautifying and cleaning up areas that have been neglected.
The Community Action Day hosted by CCCC involved beautifying the Lillian T. Griffin Community Corner at the intersection of MLK Dr. and 6th Street. We wanted to give our community the opportunity to see that together we can change the trajectory of blighted areas through our collective efforts and shared responsibility.